Mana Kumbhalgarh one of the best Kumbhalgarh hotels and resorts
A curious mind is often likely to travel a lot to great many places because some people just can’t repeat themselves every day in a 9 to 5 schedule. So either you are obediently scheduled or wanderlust in your head, the reason to travel a lot essentially comes out of immense boredom. Now, if you are looking for a place in India that will provide you mental personal peace and still is vast as universe than Rajasthan is the place, you want to book your tickets to. The scenery of Rajasthan is one of loneliness and celebration at the same time. You could stand in the middle of the desert and look at a distance where you would see earth meeting the sky and you become one with the nature. One of the yet unexplored scenic spiritual beauties in Rajasthan is Kumbhalgarh, which is about an hour and a half from Udaipur. Kumbhalgarh itself is pretty magical with one of the largest man-made fort in this world and yet the silence of the jungle encapsulates you in the world of mental ...